I use the user-written Stata package lslogit (available at https://github.com/mloeffler/lslogit) to estimate a discrete choice model of labour supply. My data is in long version. The dataset consists of about 760 individuals having 5 choice alternatives, and therefore the dataset entails 5*760=3600 observations.
When I run the following line:
lslogit choice, group(idcode) quadratic consumption(ydisp) leisure(leis)
Stata output gives LR chi2(0)=0.00 and Prob>chi2=.

When trying to compare the predictive accuracy (predictions via lslogit predict <60% of surveytakers' choices correctly) I also want to use the boxcox or the translog utility function, as is allowed for in the lslogit commando. However, when I use boxcox or translog instead of quadratic utility function, Stata issues an error
<istmt>:  3200  conformability error
What could be causing this?

Secondly, is the fact that my LR chi2(0) equals zero a problem? Thirdly, is anyone aware of a way to include extra dependent variables like, the number of children of a surveytaker, in the commando without having to add it to an interaction effect/taste shifter? I would like to simply see the effect of a variable - e.g. number of children - on its own and not combined with leisure or consumption.

Any help is greatly appreciated,