I am analysing the Mata code behind a command (fairlie) in order to understand what actually this is doing, and I have arrived to a part of the script which works unexpectedly in my terminal. A simplified version of the problematic part is:
mata mata clear for (j=1; j<=3; j++) { printf("{result}%1.0fc\n",j) if (j==1) { xl = (10\8\7) xl } else { xl=xr xl } if (j==3) { xr=(8\7\6) xr } else { xr = xl xr } } end
<istmt>: 3499 xr not found
I think it fails to recognize that the last else statement should be executed in the first iteration, when j==1, which defines xr and pass it on for the second iteration, when j==2. What puzzles me is that in Stata the equivalent code actually works
foreach j of numlist 1/3 { display as result "`j'" if (`j'==1) { matrix xl = (10\8\7) matrix list xl } else { matrix xl=xr matrix list xl } if (`j'==3) { matrix xr=(8\7\6) matrix list xr } else { matrix xr = xl matrix list xr } display _n(2) local ++j }
Thank you
Stata 14.0
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