I have 2 groups in my dataset referring to Credit and LC and would like to know, if its possible to summarize all variable means std Deviation min and max for both Groups and put it in on table?

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
Firm | 0
Legalform | 0
Age | 40 20.575 22.61142 2 103
Numberofem~s | 40 14.65 8.813015 3 34
Industry | 0
Grossprofit | 40 1249.05 882.4589 300 3500
Totalassets | 40 792.55 899.5846 130 3625
Earnings | 40 95325 57422.92 28000 300000
Profitabil~y | 40 .095683 .052203 .0228571 .2333333
Leverage | 40 .41875 .1863439 .2 .9
Loantype | 0
Issuancedate | 40 20866 473.1229 19418 21458
Time | 40 2016.625 1.254479 2013 2018
Loansize | 40 67.65 55.09132 8 230
Loanrate | 40 .0838625 .0060754 .0725 .098
Maturity | 40 1.275 .640012 1 3
Collateral | 0
Informatio~t | 0
Bank | 0
Duration | 40 7.820825 5.82126 0 23.16667
Housebank | 40 .5 .5063697 0 1
V | 0
Interestra~d | 40 -.004615 .0035236 -.0084 .006
Loanspread | 40 .0884775 .00635 .078 .1005
Numberofle~s | 40 1.85 1.02657 1 4
GDPGrowth | 40 .018925 .0038921 .005 .022
Distance | 40 6.4525 4.78834 1 26
AB | 0
Collateral~y | 40 .775 .4229021 0 1
Infodummy | 40 .875 .3349321 0 1
Corporatio~y | 40 .625 .4902903 0 1
g1 | 40 .1 .3038218 0 1
g2 | 40 .7 .4640955 0 1
g3 | 40 .2 .4050957 0 1
GDPGrowth_~t | 40 1.8925 .3892053 .5 2.2
Profitabil~t | 40 9.568303 5.220299 2.285714 23.33333
Leverage_pct | 40 41.875 18.63439 20 90
Loanspread~t | 40 8.84775 .6349985 7.8 10.05

. univar if Loantype!="Credit"
command univar is unrecognized

. univar if Loantype!="Credit"
command univar is unrecognized

. tabulate twoway
variable twoway not found

. tabstat twoway
variable twoway not found

. tabstat
varlist required

. tabstat Loanspread_pct Age Totalassets Numberofemployees Corporationdummy Grossprofit Profitability_pct Leverage_pct Loansize Maturity g1 g3 GDPGrowth_pct Duration Housebank
> if Loantype!="LC"

stats | Loansp~t Age Totala~s Numbe~es Corpor~y Grossp~t Profit~t Levera~t Loansize Maturity g1 g3 GDPGro~t Duration Houseb~k
mean | 3.154878 22 1121.024 18.14634 .7317073 1467.293 9.113236 43.90244 201.9512 7.341463 .2195122 .2926829 1.678049 9.552764 .5853659

. dataex Loanspread_pct Age Totalassets Numberofemployees Corporationdummy Grossprofit Profitability_pct Leverage_pct Loansize Maturity g1 g3 GDPGrowth_pct Duration Housebank L
> oantype

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float Loanspread_pct int Age long Totalassets byte Numberofemployees float Corporationdummy long Grossprofit float(Profitability_pct Leverage_pct) long Loansize byte(Maturity g1 g3) float GDPGrowth_pct double Duration byte Housebank str6 Loantype
5.45 8 1500 28 1 1600 6.25 95 475 10 0 1 1.5 0 0 "Credit"
1.25 8 1500 28 1 1600 6.25 95 475 10 0 1 1.5 0 0 "Credit"
2.52 6 500 15 1 800 8.75 50 150 10 0 1 1.5 5.75 1 "Credit"
9.14 6 500 15 1 800 8.75 50 30 1 0 1 1.5 5.75 1 "LC"
9.07 6 500 15 1 800 8.75 50 20 1 0 1 1.5 6 1 "LC"
8.72 23 387 10 0 815 3.435583 72 80 1 0 0 2.2 10 1 "LC"
8.67 24 415 10 0 830 5.060241 77 80 1 0 0 2.2 11 1 "LC"
8.55 25 400 10 0 850 3.529412 90 120 1 0 0 1.5 12 1 "LC"
5.02 24 415 10 0 830 5.060241 77 60 6 0 0 2.2 1 0 "Credit"
9.42 15 800 25 1 3500 3.4285715 20 100 1 0 1 1.5 4.666666666666667 0 "LC"
4.07 15 800 25 1 3500 3.4285715 20 620 20 0 1 1.5 0 0 "Credit"
9.31 15 800 25 1 3500 3.4285715 20 230 3 0 1 1.5 5 0 "LC"
1.76 7 130 8 0 300 23.333334 40 50 10 1 0 1.5 4.75 1 "Credit"
.71 1 60 3 0 190 0 0 20 10 1 0 .5 0 1 "Credit"
9.16 7 130 8 0 300 23.333334 40 15 3 1 0 2.2 3 0 "LC"
3.26 20 450 12 1 800 8.125 26 50 10 0 0 1.5 10.083333333333334 0 "Credit"
4.33 18 462 12 1 830 8.192771 32 125 5 0 0 2.2 8 0 "Credit"
5.17 19 438 12 1 755 7.549669 30 100 5 0 0 2.2 0 0 "Credit"
8.15 20 450 12 1 800 8.125 26 15 1 0 0 1.5 10 0 "LC"
8.26 19 438 12 1 755 7.549669 30 15 1 0 0 2.2 9 0 "LC"
8 18 462 12 1 830 8.192771 32 15 1 0 0 2.2 8 0 "LC"
8.84 19 438 12 1 755 7.549669 30 120 1 0 0 2.2 10 0 "LC"
8.97 18 462 12 1 830 8.192771 32 120 1 0 0 2.2 9 0 "LC"
8.67 20 450 12 1 800 8.125 26 10 1 0 0 1.5 10.583333333333334 0 "LC"
3.9 15 320 10 1 1000 8 55 70 6 1 0 1.5 7 0 "Credit"
4.09 15 320 10 1 1000 8 55 100 5 1 0 1.5 5.166666666666667 0 "Credit"
3.33 10 277 12 1 800 9.375 60 150 4 1 0 1.5 5.083333333333333 1 "Credit"
2.79 18 720 25 1 1800 11.38889 45 350 3 1 0 2.2 12 1 "Credit"
2.45 20 695 25 1 2000 10.5 45 300 6 1 0 1.5 14 1 "Credit"
4.55 3 248 3 1 500 11 44 30 4 0 0 1.7 0 0 "Credit"
4.91 4 250 3 1 600 8.333333 50 50 5 0 0 2.2 1.33 0 "Credit"
10.05 3 248 3 1 500 11 44 8 1 0 0 1.7 0 0 "LC"
10.02 4 250 3 1 600 8.333333 50 8 1 0 0 2.2 1 0 "LC"
10.03 4 250 3 1 600 8.333333 50 10 3 0 0 2.2 1.083 0 "LC"
9.84 2 462 25 1 1750 2.2857144 45 100 1 0 0 2.2 0 0 "LC"
9.43 3 450 29 1 1900 2.710526 50 200 3 0 0 2.2 .5833333333333334 0 "LC"
9.62 3 450 29 1 1900 2.710526 50 100 1 0 0 2.2 1 0 "LC"
5.26 2 462 25 1 1750 2.2857144 45 250 5 0 0 2.2 0 0 "Credit"
5.12 4 440 29 1 2000 2.5 50 200 5 0 0 1.5 1.4166666666666667 0 "Credit"
8.16 7 360 9 1 415 18.795181 25 15 1 0 0 1.7 5 1 "LC"
8.11 8 350 9 1 435 18.62069 25 25 1 0 0 2.2 6 1 "LC"
8.04 9 345 9 1 430 18.60465 30 15 1 0 0 2.2 7 1 "LC"
2.58 45 1000 14 0 1450 7.931035 60 350 7 1 0 .5 15 1 "Credit"
2.27 50 1050 15 0 1500 6.666667 70 300 10 1 0 1.5 20 1 "Credit"
8.23 45 1000 14 0 1450 7.931035 60 150 1 1 0 .5 15 1 "LC"
8.07 46 970 15 0 1400 6.785714 70 150 1 1 0 2.2 16.5 1 "LC"
8.05 47 960 15 0 1475 6.779661 70 150 1 1 0 1.7 17.75 1 "LC"
8.78 7 350 3 0 400 12.5 50 20 1 0 0 1.5 7 1 "LC"
3.39 7 350 3 0 400 12.5 50 15 5 0 0 1.5 7 1 "Credit"
2.9 25 500 25 1 1100 18.181818 80 150 10 0 0 1.5 15 1 "Credit"
2.6 25 500 25 1 1100 18.181818 80 400 15 0 0 1.5 15 1 "Credit"
8.52 25 500 25 1 1100 18.181818 80 50 1 0 0 1.5 15 1 "LC"
2.1 40 620 25 0 2000 15 20 150 10 0 0 1.5 20 1 "Credit"
8.12 40 620 25 0 2000 15 20 50 1 0 0 1.5 20 1 "LC"
2.57 35 380 12 1 1500 6.666667 30 25 5 0 0 1.5 15 1 "Credit"
3.12 4 400 7 0 950 13.68421 25 300 5 0 0 1.7 3 1 "Credit"
2.54 7 425 9 0 1000 12.3 20 250 7 0 0 1.5 6 1 "Credit"
8.76 4 400 7 0 950 13.68421 25 50 1 0 0 1.7 3 1 "LC"
8.82 5 415 8 0 975 14.358974 20 80 1 0 0 2.2 4.333333333333333 1 "LC"
8.87 6 410 9 0 935 13.368984 20 80 1 0 0 2.2 5.333333333333333 1 "LC"
8.66 7 425 9 0 1000 12.3 20 80 1 0 0 1.5 6 1 "LC"
2.85 102 370 6 0 427 14.285714 42 80 5 0 0 2.2 23 1 "Credit"
9.24 102 370 6 0 427 14.285714 42 30 1 0 0 2.2 8 0 "LC"
9.17 103 375 6 0 430 13.953488 45 45 1 0 0 2.2 8.75 0 "LC"
1.6 102 370 6 0 427 14.285714 42 80 5 0 0 2.2 0 0 "Credit"
1.91 17 3500 28 1 2875 5.495652 38 500 10 0 1 .5 14 1 "Credit"
3.76 22 3625 30 1 3000 5 40 400 7 0 1 2.2 4 0 "Credit"
9.36 22 3625 30 1 3000 5 40 60 2 0 1 2.2 5 0 "LC"
9.68 22 3625 30 1 3000 5 40 50 2 0 1 2.2 .16666666666666666 0 "LC"
4.61 18 3100 15 1 2600 6.538462 50 150 3 0 1 1.8 5 0 "Credit"
4.65 18 3100 15 1 2600 6.538462 50 130 4 0 1 1.8 4 0 "Credit"
9.4 18 3100 15 1 2600 6.538462 50 50 2 0 1 1.8 4 0 "LC"
2.09 26 2650 35 1 2300 9 21 300 5 0 1 2.2 22 1 "Credit"
2.15 27 2710 35 1 2425 9.278351 28 250 7 0 1 1.7 23 1 "Credit"
1.98 29 2665 33 1 2400 8.75 25 50 9 0 1 2.2 25.25 1 "Credit"
1.75 30 2700 33 1 2350 8.297873 25 80 10 0 1 1.5 26.333333333333332 1 "Credit"
7.8 27 2710 34 1 2425 9.278351 28 80 1 0 1 1.7 23.166666666666668 1 "LC"
2.74 17 1980 26 1 1650 8.939394 26 325 10 0 0 2.2 16 1 "Credit"
2.7 19 2050 26 1 1700 8.941176 31 150 8 0 0 2.2 18.333333333333332 1 "Credit"
2.55 20 1930 26 1 1750 8.857142 33 220 5 0 0 1.5 19.166666666666668 1 "Credit"
8.15 19 2050 26 1 1700 8.941176 31 80 1 0 0 2.2 18.166666666666668 1 "LC"