Dear Statalisters,

I want to build a table that records prevalence of a variable at a varying hypothetical cut-offs. I used Stata's auto data here. My variable of interest is Headroom. And I have designed the cut-offs in such a way that they address all possible values of Headroom. I want to see the results by all possible cases of rep78.

My code looks like this:

sysuse auto, clear

 tempname relation
  postfile `relation' rep78 cutoff headroom_preval N using relation, replace
   forval rep = 1(1)5 {
    foreach h of numlist 1.5(0.5)5.1 {
     loc n = `h'*10 /*because decimals cannot be used as part of a variable name*/
     gen  preval`n' = 0
     replace preval`n' = 1 if head > `h'
     qui sum preval`n' if rep = `rep' /*for each rep case*/
     loc prevalbyrep = r(mean)
     loc Nbyrep = r(N)
    post `relation' (`rep') (`h') (`prevalbyrep') (`Nbyrep')
   postclose `relation'
I keep on getting -invalid syntax- with error -r(198)- .

Any suggestion on how to fix this are highly appreciated.

Using Stata 15.1