Hello fellow Stata users:
I have a panel dataset of patenting footprints of various companies. Each line in the dataset is a unique "company-year" identified by variables Company and Year. The other variables (columns) are patent classes and each value in the dataset is the number of patents that Firm X had in Year Y in patent class Z. So the patent data are arranged "horizontally" for each firm-year.
Now, here is my question. In Excel, I can easily compute correlations between any two firm-years. I simply type CORREL(..., ...) and then highlight the two horizontal arrays of firm-year patenting data. Is there a way to do the same in Stata? The "corr" command computes "vertical" correlations, that is correlations between specific variables across all observations. I need correlations between observations across all patent class variables. I have searched high and low but have not been able to figure out how to do it in Stata. Of course, I can export the data into Excel and compute those correlations manually in Excel but I would really like to be able to do it in Stata.
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you! I will be happy to clarify if necessary.
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