
I am looking to do two things with a panel dataset (c350 firms and annual data from 2008 to 2016).

1. I would like to set 2011 as the base period for the variable i.Year in the following regression and normalize the corresponding coefficient to zero:

xtreg inv i.Year i.company, fe cluster(company)
I am interested in the coefficients on the year dummy variables above.

2. I would like to set the omitted variable below to 2011 for the Year variable so as to include coefficients for (2008*eba), (2009*eba), (2010*eba), (2012*eba), (2013*eba) etc - but not (2011*eba). The dummy variable eba takes the value 1 or 2 and the year variable takes values from 2008 to 2016.

xtreg inv i.Year i.comp eba#i.Year, fe cluster(comp)

I have seen other posts looking at setting reference periods, but none of the posted solutions seemed to work on my data, so I was wondering if the solution was different.

Any advice would be very much appreciated,