I've been trying to replicate a figure from code I got from the authors of a paper. When I run the code
graph twoway line guestwork year, lcolor(black) c(stairstep) yaxis(1) ylabel(0(250000)500000, format(%9.0fc) axis(1)) /// ytitle("Total {it:bracero} arrivals", margin(medium) axis(1)) /// || line apprehensions year, lcolor(black) c(stairstep) lpattern(shortdash) yaxis(2) ylabel(#3, format(%9.0fc) axis(2)) /// ytitle("Apprehensions of Mexicans", margin(medium) axis(2)) /// xtitle("Year", margin(medium)) plotregion(lcolor(none)) scheme(s1color) aspect(.6) /// legend(label (1 "{it:Bracero} arrivals, US total (left axis)") label(2 "Apprehensions (right axis)") cols(1) region(lcolor(none))) /// xline(1964.85, lcolor(black) lpattern(dot) l width(thin)) xline(1962.3, lcolor(black) lpattern(dot) lwidth(thin))
The data looks like this
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int year long(guestwork apprehensions) 1942 4203 10613 1943 52098 16154 1944 62170 39449 1945 120000 80760 1946 82000 116320 1947 55000 214543 1948 35345 192779 1949 107000 288253 1950 67500 468339 1951 192000 509040 1952 197100 528815 1953 201380 835311 1954 309033 1022267 1955 398650 221674 1956 445197 62625 1957 436049 38822 1958 432857 32556 1959 437643 25270 1960 315846 22687 1961 291420 23109 1962 194978 23358 1963 186865 31910 1964 177736 35146 1965 20286 44161 1966 8647 71233 1967 7703 96845 1968 . 113304 1969 . 159376 1970 . 219254 1971 . 290152 1972 . 355099 1973 . 480588 1974 . 616630 1975 . 579448 1976 . 678356 1977 . 792613 1978 . 841525 1979 . 866761 1980 . 734219 end
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