The following code takes in information from a survey, disaggregates it by region, compares the baseline and endline, and puts it in a table using putexcel. It all works except I am having trouble getting the difference in means to print with the asterisks next to them. I'm sure I am messing up the syntax of the local in the putexcel loop. Any help is greatly appreciated.

 *creates a table comparing baseline and endline disaggregated by region.  putexcel set "$tables\Acces_Midline_Tables", sheet("All Variables") modify       // Sets Excel workbook and sheet                putexcel B1 = ("Variable") C1 = ("Population Mean") D1 = ("N") E1 = ("Total Difference") F1 = ("Kedougou Mean") G1 = ("N")  H1 = ("Mean Diff") I1 = ("Matam Mean") ///          J1 = ("N") K1 = ("P-Value") L1 = ("Tambacounda Mean")  M1 = ("N") N1 = ("Mean Diff") O1 = ("Ziguinchor Mean")  P1 = ("N") Q1 = ("Mean Diff") ///                R1 = ("Kolda Mean")  S1 = ("N") T1 = ("Mean Diff") U1 = ("Sedhiou Mean") V1 = ("N") W1 = ("Mean Diff")                                      ***local PPI column to be added                 local hhchar = "hhsize male female age"                       // overall totals of the variables by household                         foreach var in `hhchar' {                       forvalues y = 0/1 {                             sum `var' if ML==`y', detail                            local `var'_label: var label `var'                              scalar `var'_mean=string(r(mean), "%10.3fc")                          scalar `var'_obs`y' = r(N)                      }                       }                       local row = 2                           foreach var in `hhchar' {                       putexcel B`row' = ("``var'_label'") C`row' = (`var'_mean) D`row' = (`var'_obs1)                       local row = `row'+1                     }                               //// by region observations and mean at midline                                 foreach var in `hhchar' {                       forvalues x = 1/6 {                             sum `var' if region==`x' & ML==1, detail                            local `var'_label: var label `var'                              scalar `var'_mean`x'=r(mean)                            scalar `var'_obs`x'= r(N)                               }                       }                               // compares means to baseline by region                         foreach var in `hhchar' {                       forvalues y = 1/6 {                                     reg `var' ML if region == `y' // runs regression comparing variable to midline                                  test ML                                 scalar `var'_p2`y' = r(p)  //saves p value for each region              scalar `var'_p`y' =string(r(p),"%10.5fc")     // store the p-value of the ttest of the coefficient on the consent variable            scalar `var'_diff`y' = round(_b[ML], .001) //stores the differnce in means and rounds it to 3 decimal points                    if `var'_p2`y'  <= 0.1 & `var'_p2`y' > 0.05           local `var'_diff`y' = "``var'_diff`y''*"  // makes the *** show up                    if `var'_p2`y'  <= 0.05 & `var'_p2`y' > 0.01          local `var'_diff`y' = "``var'_diff`y''**"                     if `var'_p2`y'  <= 0.01                                      local `var'_diff`y' = "``var'_diff`y''***"                    }                               }                               // enter in scalars into excel by region                        local row = 2           *Add quotes and the `y' to the `var'_diff               foreach var in `hhchar' {                       putexcel  F`row' = (`var'_mean1) G`row' = (`var'_obs1) H`row' = ("`var'_diff1") I`row' = (`var'_mean2) ///                                             J`row' = (`var'_obs2) K`row' = ("`var'_diff2") L`row' = (`var'_mean3) M`row' = (`var'_obs3) N`row' = ("`var'_diff3") ///                                              O`row' = (`var'_mean4) P`row' = (`var'_obs4) Q`row' = ("`var'_diff4") R`row'=(`var'_mean5)  ///                                                S`row' = (`var'_obs5) T`row' = ("`var'_diff5") U`row' = (`var'_mean6) V`row' = (`var'_obs6) W`row' = ("`var'_diff6")                          local row = `row'+1                             }                                               /// calculate the mean and p-value of the total sample                          foreach var in `hhchar' {                       reg `var' ML  // runs regression comparing variable to midline                                  test ML                                 scalar `var'_p2 = r(p)  //saves p value for each region                                 scalar `var'_p=string(r(p),"%10.5fc") // store the p-value of the ttest of the coefficient on the consent variable                            local `var'_diff = round(_b[ML], .001) //stores the differnce in means and rounds it to 3 decimal points                                        if `var'_p2 <= 0.1 & `var'_p2 > 0.05          local `var'_diff = "``var'_diff'*"  // makes the *** show up                                  if `var'_p2 <= 0.05 & `var'_p2 > 0.01                 local `var'_diff = "``var'_diff'**"                                   if `var'_p2 <= 0.01                                                  local `var'_diff = "``var'_diff'***"                  }                                                       local row = 2                           foreach var in `hhchar' {                       putexcel E`row' = (`var'_diff)                          local row = `row'+1                             }