I have panel data set in long format with company data containing funding data over 72 periods. So the data looks something like that:
Company, funding1, funding2, ..., funding72
1, 0, 0, ..., 2000000
2, 0, 100000, ..., 0
For each of the companies an event happened at a certain period [1 -72]. I'd like to calculate the total funding before that event happened. For convenience reasons I'd like to keep the long format if possible. My problem is that I can't extract the information of the period from the variable name funding*. Among others I have tested the following approach but obviously the value of the variable is taken and not the variable name.
gen priorFunding = 0 foreach x of varlist funding* { local xyz substr(`x',7,.) destring `xyz', replace force if `xyz' < eventgperiod { priorFunding == priorFunding + `x' } }
Is there a way to extract the period of funding out of the variable name without converting to wide format? I could not find any solution in Statalist nor in other forums, but probably (or hopefully) I just did not know what to search for.
Thanks a lot in advance!
P.S. I'm using Stata/MP 13.0
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