I did two posts about this, but I am having trouble swimming through the data. The value is the PPI industry prices with base year 2015. I want to deflate the industry investment I have, therefore, I can create an index.
I need to create the index so I can get the gross investment and then deflate it by the appropriate price deflator. Previosuly I created this code below (with the help of some fellow people from statalist). However, I have a few questions.
1. When I try to do the index by country (closdate_year): replace index2 = index[_n-1] * (1+ppi_value/100) if _n > 1, I get a very wierd, cumulative number. How can I get this to do be non cumulative?
2. Is the def_2007 value correct? That means, I have to do: realinvestment = nominalinvestment/ def_2007 ?
3. If I would like to not touch the base year of 2015, and do an index from there, what would I need to do to get the real investment?
egen ppi_value = group(value), label
*** Creating the index for which we will have to deflate later, with base year 2007
bysort country (closdate_year): gen def_2007 = ppi_value / ppi_value[1] // creating the deflator with base year == 2007
gen value_base_2007 = def_2007 * 100
*** Other way of indexing
by country (closdate_year), sort: gen index2 = 1 if _n == 1
by country (closdate_year): replace index2 = index[_n-1] * (1+ppi_value/100) if _n > 1
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int closdate_year str5 value str48 country float(ppi_value def_2007 value_base_2007 index2) 2007 "94.2" "AUSTRIA" 118 1 100 1 2008 "97.5" "AUSTRIA" 146 1.237288 123.72881 2.46 2009 "96.0" "AUSTRIA" 132 1.1186441 111.8644 5.7072 2010 "98.6" "AUSTRIA" 155 1.3135593 131.35593 14.55336 2011 "102.6" "AUSTRIA" 27 .22881356 22.881355 18.482767 2012 "103.5" "AUSTRIA" 35 .29661018 29.66102 24.951736 2013 "102.6" "AUSTRIA" 27 .22881356 22.881355 31.688705 2014 "101.5" "AUSTRIA" 16 .13559322 13.559322 36.7589 2015 "100.0" "AUSTRIA" 1 .008474576 .8474576 37.126488 2016 "98.2" "AUSTRIA" 152 1.2881356 128.81357 93.55875 2017 "100.1" "AUSTRIA" 2 .016949153 1.6949153 95.42992 2007 "88.7" "BELGIUM" 97 1 100 1 2008 "95.8" "BELGIUM" 130 1.340206 134.02061 2.3 2009 "90.6" "BELGIUM" 105 1.0824742 108.24742 4.7149997 2010 "97.0" "BELGIUM" 141 1.4536083 145.36082 11.36315 2011 "105.6" "BELGIUM" 49 .5051546 50.51546 16.931093 2012 "109.5" "BELGIUM" 70 .7216495 72.16495 28.78286 2013 "109.0" "BELGIUM" 67 .6907216 69.07217 48.06737 2014 "105.2" "BELGIUM" 46 .4742268 47.42268 70.17836 2015 "100.0" "BELGIUM" 1 .010309278 1.0309278 70.88014 2016 "98.6" "BELGIUM" 155 1.5979382 159.79382 180.74437 2017 "107.0" "BELGIUM" 59 .6082474 60.82474 287.38354 2007 "82.3" "BULGARIA" 82 1 100 1 2008 "90.8" "BULGARIA" 106 1.292683 129.2683 2.06 2009 "84.5" "BULGARIA" 85 1.0365853 103.65853 3.811 2010 "92.1" "BULGARIA" 110 1.3414634 134.14635 8.003099 2011 "100.9" "BULGARIA" 10 .12195122 12.195122 8.80341 2012 "105.0" "BULGARIA" 44 .5365854 53.65854 12.67691 2013 "103.3" "BULGARIA" 34 .4146341 41.46341 16.987059 2014 "102.0" "BULGARIA" 21 .25609756 25.609756 20.55434 2015 "100.0" "BULGARIA" 1 .012195121 1.219512 20.759884 2016 "96.9" "BULGARIA" 140 1.707317 170.7317 49.82372 2017 "101.7" "BULGARIA" 18 .2195122 21.95122 58.79199 2007 "87.0" "CROATIA" 91 1 100 1 2008 "92.9" "CROATIA" 113 1.2417582 124.17582 2.13 2009 "90.8" "CROATIA" 106 1.1648352 116.48352 4.3878 2010 "94.6" "CROATIA" 122 1.3406594 134.06593 9.740916 2011 "101.4" "CROATIA" 15 .16483517 16.483517 11.202054 2012 "106.7" "CROATIA" 57 .6263736 62.63736 17.587225 2013 "106.5" "CROATIA" 55 .6043956 60.43956 27.2602 2014 "103.8" "CROATIA" 38 .4175824 41.75824 37.619076 2015 "100.0" "CROATIA" 1 .01098901 1.0989012 37.995266 2016 "96.0" "CROATIA" 132 1.4505495 145.05495 88.14902 2017 "98.0" "CROATIA" 150 1.6483517 164.83517 220.37254 2007 "87.2" "CYPRUS" 92 1 100 1 2008 "96.7" "CYPRUS" 138 1.5 150 2.38 2009 "95.1" "CYPRUS" 125 1.3586956 135.86957 5.355 2010 "98.7" "CYPRUS" 156 1.695652 169.5652 13.7088 2011 "103.6" "CYPRUS" 36 .3913043 39.13044 18.64397 2012 "110.8" "CYPRUS" 73 .7934783 79.34782 32.25407 2013 "108.5" "CYPRUS" 66 .7173913 71.73913 53.54176 2014 "105.4" "CYPRUS" 47 .51086956 51.08696 78.70638 2015 "100.0" "CYPRUS" 1 .010869565 1.0869565 79.49345 2016 "95.9" "CYPRUS" 131 1.423913 142.3913 183.62987 2017 "98.8" "CYPRUS" 157 1.7065217 170.65218 471.9288 end label values ppi_value ppi_value label def ppi_value 1 "100.0", modify label def ppi_value 2 "100.1", modify label def ppi_value 10 "100.9", modify label def ppi_value 15 "101.4", modify label def ppi_value 16 "101.5", modify label def ppi_value 18 "101.7", modify label def ppi_value 21 "102.0", modify label def ppi_value 27 "102.6", modify label def ppi_value 34 "103.3", modify label def ppi_value 35 "103.5", modify label def ppi_value 36 "103.6", modify label def ppi_value 38 "103.8", modify label def ppi_value 44 "105.0", modify label def ppi_value 46 "105.2", modify label def ppi_value 47 "105.4", modify label def ppi_value 49 "105.6", modify label def ppi_value 55 "106.5", modify label def ppi_value 57 "106.7", modify label def ppi_value 59 "107.0", modify label def ppi_value 66 "108.5", modify label def ppi_value 67 "109.0", modify label def ppi_value 70 "109.5", modify label def ppi_value 73 "110.8", modify label def ppi_value 82 "82.3", modify label def ppi_value 85 "84.5", modify label def ppi_value 91 "87.0", modify label def ppi_value 92 "87.2", modify label def ppi_value 97 "88.7", modify label def ppi_value 105 "90.6", modify label def ppi_value 106 "90.8", modify label def ppi_value 110 "92.1", modify label def ppi_value 113 "92.9", modify label def ppi_value 118 "94.2", modify label def ppi_value 122 "94.6", modify label def ppi_value 125 "95.1", modify label def ppi_value 130 "95.8", modify label def ppi_value 131 "95.9", modify label def ppi_value 132 "96.0", modify label def ppi_value 138 "96.7", modify label def ppi_value 140 "96.9", modify label def ppi_value 141 "97.0", modify label def ppi_value 146 "97.5", modify label def ppi_value 150 "98.0", modify label def ppi_value 152 "98.2", modify label def ppi_value 155 "98.6", modify label def ppi_value 156 "98.7", modify label def ppi_value 157 "98.8", modify
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