I have noticed that the Stata suddenly close and loosing my unsaved do files. I think it is because of out of result's window max limit which is 2,000 KB in Stata/SE 15.1. As I have added the following command of automatic log on Stata's startup in profile.
log using `: display %tCCCYY-NN-DD-HH-MM-SS Clock("`c(current_date)' `c(current_time)'","DMYhms")', name(default_log_file)
Is there anyone facing same problem on log using? or is there any suggestion to increase the size of -scrollbufsize-
I am using:
Stata/SE 15.1 for Windows (64-bit x86-64)
Revision 17 Dec 2018
Thanks & best regards,
Rasool Bux
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