I have a panel dataset, which includes observation for returns and turnover for the past 52 weeks. I want to extract the coefficient of LMSW_2002 in the following regression equation which is based on the 52 observations for each firm-year.
I can get the results of the regression using the following command. Unfortunately, I cannot store these result. I am looking for a solution that would run the regression for each group (Index) and store the results of the entire regression or just the coefficient of LMSW_2002.
by Index : reg Ret lagret LMSW_2002
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int Index long PERMNO byte Weeks double Ret float(lagret LMSW_2002) 1 22592 -52 .03066 -.02839 .0015403944 1 22592 -51 -.029901 .03066 -.002951392 1 22592 -50 .023084 -.029901 -.0001493088 1 22592 -49 -.034812 .023084 -.008187853 1 22592 -48 .016831 -.034812 -.006448435 1 22592 -47 -.040725 .016831 .0006774608 1 22592 -46 -.048069 -.040725 -.005754218 1 22592 -45 -.000719 -.048069 -.014784833 1 22592 -44 -.010654 -.000719 .000031164695 1 22592 -43 .003201 -.010654 -.00345002 1 22592 -42 .029156 .003201 .0010735776 1 22592 -41 -.011275 .029156 .005789125 1 22592 -40 .04747 -.011275 .00033129 1 22592 -39 .000136 .04747 .001350522 1 22592 -38 -.009508 .000136 2.311508e-06 1 22592 -37 -.009408 -.009508 .0018295203 1 22592 -36 -.033659 -.009408 .0016629375 1 22592 -35 .013875 -.033659 -.001987037 1 22592 -34 .036066 .013875 .0046342714 1 22592 -33 -.044441 .036066 .02636297 1 22592 -32 -.069834 -.044441 -.008258095 1 22592 -31 -.160062 -.069834 -.02828788 1 22592 -30 .041098 -.160062 -.14564113 1 22592 -29 .055231 .041098 .026202515 1 22592 -28 .078678 .055231 .03807466 1 22592 -27 .008243 .078678 .036639154 1 22592 -26 -.027302 .008243 .0009457734 1 22592 -25 -.01964 -.027302 -.007746905 1 22592 -24 .091843 -.01964 -.009994903 1 22592 -23 -.105782 .091843 -.006197574 1 22592 -22 -.063659 -.105782 -.04772526 1 22592 -21 .01035 -.063659 -.013357646 1 22592 -20 -.015542 .01035 .000224061 1 22592 -19 .061894 -.015542 .017627724 1 22592 -18 -.024497 .061894 -.04321004 1 22592 -17 -.022861 -.024497 .010510028 1 22592 -16 -.062389 -.022861 .007009152 1 22592 -15 .016824 -.062389 .02297962 1 22592 -14 -.026027 .016824 -.00028896355 1 22592 -13 -.05669 -.026027 .0005485007 1 22592 -12 -.033566 -.05669 .00006714724 1 22592 -11 -.037884 -.033566 .006307902 1 22592 -10 -.07985 -.037884 -.002673329 1 22592 -9 .147502 -.07985 -.017015157 1 22592 -8 -.043125 .147502 .007189305 1 22592 -7 .095798 -.043125 .004106716 1 22592 -6 .035367 .095798 -.008555142 1 22592 -5 .019574 .035367 -.005936099 1 22592 -4 .012799 .019574 -.012329363 1 22592 -3 .059283 .012799 -.002809522 1 22592 -2 .015439 .059283 .00299079 1 22592 -1 .038182 .015439 -.0027095284 2 22592 -52 -.036113 .038182 -.008072878 2 22592 -51 -.023458 -.036113 .009752043 2 22592 -50 .01837 -.023458 .008100242 2 22592 -49 .06725 .01837 -.009800303 2 22592 -48 .000985 .06725 -.009077097 2 22592 -47 -.026721 .000985 -.00024920338 2 22592 -46 -.001853 -.026721 .006144799 2 22592 -45 .016706 -.001853 .0004743336 2 22592 -44 -.007635 .016706 -.00557728 2 22592 -43 .05235 -.007635 .0002223419 2 22592 -42 .103306 .05235 -.01228291 2 22592 -41 .015846 .103306 .009666022 2 22592 -40 .033749 .015846 -.003186107 2 22592 -39 -.021674 .033749 -.0039089997 2 22592 -38 .025846 -.021674 .0023565795 2 22592 -37 -.009912 .025846 -.008456712 2 22592 -36 -.007925 -.009912 .0031727066 2 22592 -35 .037141 -.007925 .0023518275 2 22592 -34 .008378 .037141 -.01484172 2 22592 -33 -.010989 .008378 -.0021790809 2 22592 -32 -.025339 -.010989 .0044569033 2 22592 -31 .038927 -.025339 .004950087 2 22592 -30 .017262 .038927 -.014910948 2 22592 -29 .023678 .017262 -.004745167 2 22592 -28 -.054613 .023678 .0022792008 2 22592 -27 .02501 -.054613 -.0026666506 2 22592 -26 .025328 .02501 -.005092273 2 22592 -25 -.002297 .025328 -.006771228 2 22592 -24 .001435 -.002297 .0007454183 2 22592 -23 .019414 .001435 -.0009510986 2 22592 -22 .044862 .019414 -.0018849007 2 22592 -21 -.009541 .044862 .01090874 2 22592 -20 .019513 -.009541 -.002094009 2 22592 -19 .001454 .019513 -.018156344 2 22592 -18 .019959 .001454 -.0007767971 2 22592 -17 -.011267 .019959 .0008321834 2 22592 -16 -.02267 -.011267 .001602538 2 22592 -15 -.01215 -.02267 -.0002425309 2 22592 -14 -.024227 -.01215 -.003120765 2 22592 -13 .008149 -.024227 -.005951347 2 22592 -12 .036298 .008149 .0018901667 2 22592 -11 -.016806 .036298 -.011348456 2 22592 -10 .028571 -.016806 -.0005825338 2 22592 -9 -.012858 .028571 -.004710372 2 22592 -8 .007127 -.012858 -.0008782291 2 22592 -7 -.011713 .007127 .001869973 2 22592 -6 .035185 -.011713 -.00105196 2 22592 -5 -.004293 .035185 .002762586 end
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