- Dear all,
I am running Mann-Whitney tests on data from 6 different treatments of an economic experiment (panel data): several groups of 4 subjects per treatment over 20 periods.
As performing the test on each observation will give me dependence problems, I would like to run it on the average values of each subject for the 20 periods, and even on the average values of each group.
At the moment, to run the test for the individual profit (ex. between treatments 1 and 4) over the whole sample I am using the command:
ranksum profit if Newtreatment==1 | Newtreatment==4, by (Newtreatment)
Can anybody tell me how to do for the average values?
I have created a new variable calculating the averages, but I would like to have the test only on one value per subject or per group and not on the 20 identical values of the 20 periods.
Many thanks in advance,
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