* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float date double(price_68372V price_138056 price_139409 price_9445HE) 20188 348.2 2974.4 185.33 . 20191 346.8 3035.1 183.29 . 20192 346.8 3035.1 183.29 . 20193 342.7 3008.1 182.52 131.47 20194 342 3015.8 181.39 143.11 20195 339 3001.5 179.78 137.26 20198 332 2989.2 179.85 145.8 20199 332.6 2984.7 178.72 155.51 20200 329.3 2986.1 177.25 145.11 20201 324.8 2992.7 176.33 136.5 20202 320.2 2972.1 174.37 127.75 end format %td date
reshape long price_, i(date) j(firm_id)
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