Hi, I am new to regression and still reading books about it.

I am regressing debt ratio against profitability, size etc. dy are the years, and dc are life cycle of firms, and ind are industries.

Seeing this results, is there anything I should be concerned about?
Actually the thesis that I refer to, has the same number of dy and dc but only one industry dummy, but here I created more industry dummies so I am not so sure.

Appreciate if anyone could help. Thank you.


. reg totaldebtmarketvalue profitability size salesgrowth tangibility nontaxdebt liquidity dy1 dy2 dy3 dy4 dy5 dy6 
> dy7 dy8 dy9 dc1 dc2 dc3 dc4 ind1 ind2 ind3 ind5 ind6 ind7 ind8 ind9 ind10

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     4,820
-------------+----------------------------------   F(28, 4791)     =     86.42
       Model |   86.829243        28  3.10104439   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  171.918517     4,791   .03588364   R-squared       =    0.3356
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.3317
       Total |   258.74776     4,819  .053693248   Root MSE        =    .18943

totaldebtma~e |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
profitability |  -.4817474   .0236452   -20.37   0.000    -.5281029    -.435392
         size |   .0331574   .0020903    15.86   0.000     .0290595    .0372554
  salesgrowth |   .0018625   .0011357     1.64   0.101     -.000364    .0040891
  tangibility |   .0822787   .0151707     5.42   0.000      .052537    .1120203
   nontaxdebt |  -.5633339   .1152644    -4.89   0.000     -.789305   -.3373628
    liquidity |  -.0106057   .0004338   -24.45   0.000    -.0114562   -.0097552
          dy1 |  -.0598851   .0122223    -4.90   0.000    -.0838463   -.0359238
          dy2 |  -.0835679   .0122264    -6.84   0.000    -.1075372   -.0595986
          dy3 |  -.0755893   .0122124    -6.19   0.000    -.0995312   -.0516475
          dy4 |  -.0789071   .0122277    -6.45   0.000     -.102879   -.0549352
          dy5 |  -.1193103   .0122344    -9.75   0.000    -.1432953   -.0953253
          dy6 |  -.1279573   .0122498   -10.45   0.000    -.1519726    -.103942
          dy7 |  -.1339691   .0122584   -10.93   0.000    -.1580011    -.109937
          dy8 |  -.1303951   .0122818   -10.62   0.000     -.154473   -.1063171
          dy9 |   -.142779   .0123201   -11.59   0.000     -.166932   -.1186259
          dc1 |   .0554025   .0098219     5.64   0.000      .036147     .074658
          dc2 |   .0427338   .0076047     5.62   0.000     .0278252    .0576424
          dc3 |    .012387   .0081153     1.53   0.127    -.0035227    .0282967
          dc4 |   .0677144   .0112457     6.02   0.000     .0456678    .0897611
         ind1 |  -.0521258    .007409    -7.04   0.000    -.0666509   -.0376007
         ind2 |   .0116828   .0165759     0.70   0.481    -.0208136    .0441792
         ind3 |  -.2127064    .021915    -9.71   0.000      -.25567   -.1697429
         ind5 |  -.1892949   .0134049   -14.12   0.000    -.2155746   -.1630151
         ind6 |   .0076983    .009576     0.80   0.421     -.011075    .0264716
         ind7 |  -.1085723   .0105618   -10.28   0.000    -.1292782   -.0878665
         ind8 |  -.1258606   .0166844    -7.54   0.000    -.1585697   -.0931516
         ind9 |  -.0617338   .0150073    -4.11   0.000    -.0911551   -.0323126
        ind10 |  -.0443932   .0220523    -2.01   0.044    -.0876259   -.0011605
        _cons |   .1446462   .0284044     5.09   0.000     .0889605    .2003319