In this simplified dataset example, I am trying to perform causal inference using a Difference-in-Differences method.
This dataset contains panel data from Compustat merged with Thomson Reuters M&A dataset.
What I need to do:
Due to the nature of this data set, I have to match firms according to their size (ln(Assets) and then perform DID inference on the results.
In order to match the firms by Asset, I will use either Propensity Score Matching (psmatch2) or Nearest Neighbor Match (nnmatch).
After matching is done, I need to perform a DID estimation to see if there is a causal effect.
Slight Complication (OPTIONAL TO READ): The psmatch tutorials on the web are not very helpful to me because recorded date of actual merger is not the same as firm year.
As such, if I use the following code:
gen Post1=Firm_Year[_n+1] if !missing(Merger)
For example: If I use the above code, then Firm 111 will write "Merger+1yr in Firm_Year 2001 (right beside Merger==1, 3F) instead of in the row for 2002 (4F). This is shown below.

My rough idea on how to do it:
1. Create Treatment variable (TrtMerge) and POST variables. Interact them. etc.
2. Perform Nearest Neighbor Matching or Propensity Score Matching on Asset and Firm_Year(should I match on firm year?)
3. Perform DID to see the causal effect of merger on Income
I am feeling stumped because I don't know how to deal with the problem mentioned above (getting POST to appear beside the actual merger year instead of the firm year).
2. Perform Nearest Neighbor Matching or Propensity Score Matching on Asset and Firm_Year(should I match on firm year?)
3. Perform DID to see the causal effect of merger on Income
I am feeling stumped because I don't know how to deal with the problem mentioned above (getting POST to appear beside the actual merger year instead of the firm year).
This is the dataset on which I want to perform -psmatch2- or -nnmatch- and then perform DID. I have attached the file as well (sheet 3).

I am hoping if someone can provide me the code to this whole process and explain to me what is going on in the code.
I have been struggling with this for a while now, as I realize this is a little complex. I think it is warranted that I am offer a gift to anyone who can help me. Person with the best answer will receive a $20 Amazon gift card, after 24 hours time period from the time of this post (granted I have the solution by then).
Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated.
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