
I have read many papers on redistribution which have illustrated several graphs of total fiscal redistribution effects for each country over a specific period - all countries have their own graph with distribution effects displayed over the corresponding years.

When attempting to do this myself, I am using a dataset which I have imported from excel into stata. Within my dataset I have a set of countries with varying years (period from 1985 - 2010) so when I attempt to compose line graphs for the 12 countries, it will not let me do this (tsset year, generic) and I receive the subsequent response: .repeated time values in sample.

For instance, I import just the data for Canada and these are the commands which I run:
tsset year, generic
twoway (tsline tot_fisc_red)

Is there anyway I can use all my data and countries and run this to produce multiple graphs?

Any help will be much appreciated.

