Hello, I am fitting a ologit2 model for an ordered outcome - HIVrisk (none, low and high). I am trying to generate predicted probabilities and a plot to explain a significant interaction term in the model. Here is my full syntax:

gologit2 selfhiv2 i.Sex_female i.ego_nonwhite AGE Edu i.knowAIDSy i.condomlessy ///
 i.hivriskothers_highmed i.multi_nsy prop_race_homo  SEXUAL_CONTACTS c.Edu#i.knowAIDSy, auto lrforce
margins i.knowAIDSy, predict(outcome(1)) at(Edu=(-9.7(5)10.3)) atmeans
margins i.knowAIDSy, predict(outcome(2)) at(Edu=(-9.7(5)10.3)) atmeans
marginsplot, noci ytitle(Predicted Self-Perceived Risk) name(inteeduhowhiv)
The interaction is between education and aidsknowledge (c.Edu#i.knowAIDSy). The marginsplot command produces this: Array

However, given that the DV is ordered, and there are multiple outcomes (none, low and high), with high being the excluded/reference category, which of the outcomes is the plot predicting ? How do we ensure the plot is indeed predicting none vs low & high, etc?

thanks in advance for your assistance.

best, cY