I'm trying to create a Figure with 2 panels by combining 4 separate ciplot estimates into a single figure. My code is below. What I can't figure out is:
A) How to write my command file so that the categories (shown along the x-axis) are told in the .do fille to be 45 degrees (rather than the default horizontal which overlaps)
B) How to get ciplot to label the point estimate itself with the mean # (So for example if on variable outcome 1 the mean values on the outcome variable are .5, .8, .4. .7 it shows that number inside the ciplot by the dot
C) Is there a way to automate the labeling of each column so they are labeled panel A and panel B when I combine the graphs in the final command?
Here's my code
ciplot outcome1, by(group) ///
name (outcome1)
ciplot outcome2, by(group) ///
name (outcome2)
ciplot outcome3, by(group) ///
name (outcome3)
ciplot outcome4, by(group) ///
name (outcome4)
graph outcome1 outcome2 outcome3 outcome4
I've poked around the help page for ciplot and also looked for example figures but with the specific program ciplot I can't seem to find examples on point. Any links to examples would be helpful.
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