Hi Statlistas!

I am currently working on a dataset (tradedata from 2004--2016) where I have created a dummy-variable called "Crisis". I want this variable to represent the global financial crisis of 2008 and therefore I have definied it as a dummy based on time, so that year 2008 and 2009 takes on a value of 1 (and all other years takes on a value of 0). However, my teacher critized me for defining it this way and suggested that I would define it based on a drop in GDP. How do I perform this in stata? I.e. how do I create a dummy variable that takes on the value of 1 when GDP drops below a certain percentage? (for example). If you have any better suggestions on how to create the variable I would be beyond grateful!

When I defined "Crisis" based on Year, it was fairly easy to this in Stata, where I used this code:

gen Crisis=0
replace Crisis=1 if Year==2008
replace Crisis=1 if Year==2009
This is how my dataset looks like:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str15 Importer str30 Exporter double Imports int Year double(GDPimporter GDPexporter) byte Crisis
"France"          "United Arab Emirates"       648410.85 2004  2115742488204.619 147824370319.94556 0
"Portugal"        "Qatar"                      20200.001 2004  189187437298.2369 31734065934.065933 0
"Italy"           "Turkey"                   4933186.063 2004 1798314750434.5667 404786740091.19604 0
"Sweden"          "Croatia"                   129844.593 2004  381705425301.7458   41574530815.5047 0
"Germany"         "Honduras"                      114180 2004 2819245095604.6685  8772194250.270214 0
"United Kingdom"  "Seychelles"                107903.697 2004 2398555474185.2803  839319927.2727273 0
"Belgium"         "Guatemala"                  16508.368 2004  370885026074.0005 23965275995.721386 0
"Denmark"         "Jamaica"                      281.633 2004 251373036671.06207 10150978154.548418 0
"Hungary"         "Grenada"                           10 2004 104066609517.92836  599118592.5925926 0
"Poland"          "Grenada"                       20.445 2004  255102252843.3946  599118592.5925926 0
"Cyprus"          "Guatemala"                      111.9 2004        17422375000 23965275995.721386 0
"Finland"         "Madagascar"                   120.726 2004 196768065557.48697   4363934494.37405 0
"United Kingdom"  "Argentina"                 565319.435 2004 2398555474185.2803 164657930452.78662 0
"Estonia"         "Bermuda"                     2401.643 2004 12059201242.236025         4484703000 0
"Denmark"         "Cayman Islands"               544.001 2004 251373036671.06207                  . 0
"United Kingdom"  "Ghana"                     373534.056 2004 2398555474185.2803   8881368538.07671 0
"Ireland"         "Niger"                       1830.913 2004  193870350136.5781  3052898739.467802 0
"Portugal"        "Turkey"                    438144.182 2004  189187437298.2369 404786740091.19604 0
"Luxembourg"      "Albania"                        1.843 2004 34685281847.529175  7314865175.619896 0
"Cyprus"          "Sierra Leone"                   69.88 2004        17422375000 1448536630.8917043 0
"France"          "Aruba"                     114299.367 2004  2115742488204.619 2228279329.6089387 0
"France"          "Uganda"                      40355.88 2004  2115742488204.619  7940362799.179966 0
"Netherlands"     "United Arab Emirates"      552146.414 2004  650532654581.5743 147824370319.94556 0
"France"          "Korea, Rep."              3896355.152 2004  2115742488204.619  764880644710.6486 0
"Ireland"         "Guatemala"                    678.881 2004  193870350136.5781 23965275995.721386 0
"Portugal"        "Marshall Islands"              13.092 2004  189187437298.2369 131334599.99999999 0
"Lithuania"       "Israel"                      8566.473 2004 22649930576.254345 135445033199.46452 0
"Latvia"          "Burma"                         44.896 2004 14373269155.717443 10567354056.404905 0
"France"          "Kenya"                     104704.863 2004  2115742488204.619 16095337093.836601 0
"Greece"          "Cape Verde"                     4.202 2004 240521260988.32877  924318490.7598001 0
"Finland"         "Suriname"                      40.744 2004 196768065557.48697 1484092538.4052672 0
"Denmark"         "Micronesia, Fed. Sts."           .451 2004 251373036671.06207          240097000 0
"Spain"           "United Arab Emirates"      114508.018 2004 1069555500372.4857 147824370319.94556 0
"Greece"          "Panama"                     36830.984 2004 240521260988.32877        15013381700 0
"Sweden"          "Grenada"                        2.865 2004  381705425301.7458  599118592.5925926 0
"France"          "Armenia"                     2418.218 2004  2115742488204.619   3576615240.41616 0
"Belgium"         "Singapore"                 576391.156 2004  370885026074.0005 114188557567.15183 0
"Luxembourg"      "Russian Federation"         10377.366 2004 34685281847.529175  591016690742.7976 0
"Germany"         "Namibia"                        56809 2004 2819245095604.6685  6606858786.011735 0
"Cyprus"          "Lao PDR"                       10.788 2004        17422375000  2366398119.882102 0
"France"          "Chad"                        8635.427 2004  2115742488204.619  4414929219.996487 0
"Cyprus"          "Sri Lanka"                    3340.98 2004        17422375000  20662525941.29855 0
"France"          "Macao"                     129318.691 2004  2115742488204.619 10585624890.927675 0
"Slovenia"        "Lebanon"                       90.002 2004 34470227453.911316  20955223880.59701 0
"Slovak Republic" "Micronesia, Fed. Sts."          2.894 2004  57240535137.81972          240097000 0
"United Kingdom"  "Lebanon"                    23348.289 2004 2398555474185.2803  20955223880.59701 0
"Poland"          "United States of America" 2119431.616 2004  255102252843.3946      1.2274928e+13 0
"Ireland"         "St. Lucia"                    302.161 2004  193870350136.5781  893107210.7888889 0
"Slovenia"        "Japan"                     243779.972 2004 34470227453.911316  4815148854362.112 0
"Slovenia"        "Dominican Republic"           542.206 2004 34470227453.911316 22692574473.346703 0
"Sweden"          "El Salvador"                  1152.92 2004  381705425301.7458        13724810900 0
"Belgium"         "Macedonia, FYR"             33987.668 2004  370885026074.0005    5682719260.0763 0
"Slovak Republic" "Burkina Faso"                   51.43 2004  57240535137.81972  4838551099.709853 0
"Germany"         "Algeria"                      1027560 2004 2819245095604.6685  85324998813.60402 0
"Hungary"         "Antigua and Barbuda"               84 2004 104066609517.92836  919577148.1481481 0
"Greece"          "Senegal"                    23358.596 2004 240521260988.32877  8031344381.098982 0
"Slovenia"        "China"                     478261.592 2004 34470227453.911316 1955347004963.2708 0
"Poland"          "El Salvador"                 1705.208 2004  255102252843.3946        13724810900 0
"Italy"           "Sao Tome and Principe"        230.504 2004 1798314750434.5667 104486043.47856033 0
"Germany"         "Georgia"                        27725 2004 2819245095604.6685  5125363000.834724 0
"France"          "Central African Republic"   10816.053 2004  2115742488204.619 1270080250.6526783 0
"Slovak Republic" "United States of America"   473561.68 2004  57240535137.81972      1.2274928e+13 0
"Hungary"         "Marshall Islands"                 899 2004 104066609517.92836 131334599.99999999 0
"Germany"         "United States of America"    50013340 2004 2819245095604.6685      1.2274928e+13 0
"Netherlands"     "Liberia"                     5767.585 2004  650532654581.5743 474699999.99999994 0
"France"          "Botswana"                    4662.285 2004  2115742488204.619  8957467706.535404 0
"Slovak Republic" "Indonesia"                  110238.41 2004  57240535137.81972  256836875295.4519 0
"Germany"         "Sri Lanka"                     315858 2004 2819245095604.6685  20662525941.29855 0
"Greece"          "Georgia"                    55843.759 2004 240521260988.32877  5125363000.834724 0
"Netherlands"     "Turkmenistan"                  23.643 2004  650532654581.5743  6838351088.466884 0
"France"          "Burkina Faso"                9099.416 2004  2115742488204.619  4838551099.709853 0
"Ireland"         "Argentina"                  48110.391 2004  193870350136.5781 164657930452.78662 0
"Italy"           "Canada"                   1669866.099 2004 1798314750434.5667 1023196003074.5581 0
"Netherlands"     "Qatar"                       6147.113 2004  650532654581.5743 31734065934.065933 0
"Slovak Republic" "Japan"                     583910.219 2004  57240535137.81972  4815148854362.112 0
"Hungary"         "Burma"                            127 2004 104066609517.92836 10567354056.404905 0
"Slovak Republic" "Maldives"                         1.2 2004  57240535137.81972       1226829562.5 0
"United Kingdom"  "El Salvador"                13337.098 2004 2398555474185.2803        13724810900 0
"Italy"           "Angola"                     35355.777 2004 1798314750434.5667 19640853733.597954 0
"Greece"          "Fiji"                            .124 2004 240521260988.32877  2727507212.925563 0
"Denmark"         "Indonesia"                 171495.119 2004 251373036671.06207  256836875295.4519 0
"Cyprus"          "Comoros"                          .03 2004        17422375000  368143118.6899598 0
"France"          "Trinidad and Tobago"       299136.315 2004  2115742488204.619 13280275123.035402 0
"Malta"           "Sierra Leone"                    .029 2004  6062780269.058296 1448536630.8917043 0
"Cyprus"          "Jordan"                      2601.052 2004        17422375000 11411390409.026798 0
"Greece"          "Cayman Islands"               4399.51 2004 240521260988.32877                  . 0
"Ireland"         "Mongolia"                       4.844 2004  193870350136.5781 1992066808.0959773 0
"Finland"         "Iceland"                    14637.984 2004 196768065557.48697 13722824251.300367 0
"Luxembourg"      "Algeria"                       214.85 2004 34685281847.529175  85324998813.60402 0
"Czech Republic"  "India"                     179433.013 2004 119162172468.26823  699688852930.2765 0
"Denmark"         "Cape Verde"                   580.211 2004 251373036671.06207  924318490.7598001 0
"United Kingdom"  "Equatorial Guinea"           24050.36 2004 2398555474185.2803  4410764338.667325 0
"Hungary"         "C�te d'Ivoire"                 4053 2004 104066609517.92836  16554441846.51915 0
"Lithuania"       "Uruguay"                     1447.599 2004 22649930576.254345 13686329890.119078 0
"France"          "Cayman Islands"              9186.492 2004  2115742488204.619                  . 0
"Netherlands"     "Albania"                     2898.103 2004  650532654581.5743  7314865175.619896 0
"Latvia"          "Lebanon"                       68.513 2004 14373269155.717443  20955223880.59701 0
"Austria"         "Burkina Faso"                 393.007 2004  300904221504.8423  4838551099.709853 0
"Netherlands"     "Philippines"              2643034.758 2004  650532654581.5743  91371242495.85616 0
"Greece"          "Armenia"                      813.247 2004 240521260988.32877   3576615240.41616 0
Thanks in advance. Kindly regards,

Gabriel Bladh