Dear Statalists,
I got results from psmatch2 command as below. Could you please tell me where to look at the statistical significance level of ATT (average treatment effects on the treated) and how to interpret it?
. foreach j of local gr{
2. psmatch2 f_acq age emp_l1 tang_as_l1 tfp_l1 if g==`j', out(lntfp_l1 lntfp lntfp_f1 lntfp_f2) logit
3. replace att_lntfp_l1=r(att_lntfp_l1) if g==`j'
4. replace att_lntfp=r(att_lntfp) if g==`j'
5. replace att_lntfp_f1=r(att_lntfp_f1) if g==`j'
6. replace att_lntfp_f2=r(att_lntfp_f2) if g==`j'
7. }
Logistic regression Number of obs = 4,575
LR chi2(4) = 3.69
Prob > chi2 = 0.4502
Log likelihood = -75.478871 Pseudo R2 = 0.0238
f_acq | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
age | -.0236874 .0459771 -0.52 0.606 -.1138009 .0664261
emp_l1 | .0001754 .0006347 0.28 0.782 -.0010686 .0014194
tang_as_l1 | -.0000142 .0000128 -1.11 0.268 -.0000393 .0000109
tfp_l1 | .5203516 .3742759 1.39 0.164 -.2132156 1.253919
_cons | -10.98583 3.771964 -2.91 0.004 -18.37874 -3.592918
Note: 42 failures and 0 successes completely determined.
Variable Sample | Treated Controls Difference S.E. T-stat
lntfp_l1 Unmatched | 2.36691557 2.32695041 .039965167 .03855111 1.04
ATT | 2.36691557 2.33965681 .027258765 .050448074 0.54
lntfp Unmatched | 2.38784469 2.33340659 .054438098 .037682983 1.44
ATT | 2.38784469 2.34791125 .039933443 .046660502 0.86
lntfp_f1 Unmatched | 2.38636468 2.34007422 .046290461 .03817162 1.21
ATT | 2.38636468 2.34560117 .040763508 .048990231 0.83
lntfp_f2 Unmatched | 2.3876902 2.34425758 .043432621 .038525625 1.13
ATT | 2.3876902 2.34922537 .038464828 .05125152 0.75
Note: S.E. does not take into account that the propensity score is estimated.
| psmatch2:
psmatch2: | Common
Treatment | support
assignment | On suppor | Total
Untreated | 4,564 | 4,564
Treated | 11 | 11
Total | 4,575 | 4,575
(307,801 real changes made)
(307,801 real changes made)
(307,801 real changes made)
(307,801 real changes made)
Thank you for your stopping by!
Han Vuong Dieu.
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