I have a panel data on which I am trying to perform DID. The difficulty I am facing is that my treatment variable is applied at multiple time periods.
As a result, I can't compare Year X (post-treatment) - Year Y (pre-treatment) as my treatment does not occur at a set year.
I was hoping if someone could please help me with the code for this example dataset I created.
Question: In the following dataset, how can I calculate the difference between post-treatment Income and pre-treatment Income, so that I can use that in my DID model.
Information: Using propensity score matching (psmatch2), and controlling for Asset, I want to perform a Difference-in-Difference to see how mergers (indicated by YMerge) affect firm's Income. The treatment group are those firm-years that experience a merger, the control group are the matched firms. As a rule, the merger (ymerge) always occurs in the next year. I am interested in seeing how Income is affected in the actual year of merger ( ymerge[_n+0] OR year[_n+1] ) and 1 year after the merger takes place ( ymerge[_n+1] OR year[_n+2] )
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int(id year asset income ymerge) 111 2000 10 10 2001 111 2001 30 40 . 111 2002 50 90 . 111 2003 50 100 2004 111 2004 90 120 . 111 2005 110 190 . 333 2000 15 10 2001 333 2001 20 45 2002 333 2002 60 90 . 333 2003 80 110 2004 333 2004 125 160 . 333 2005 175 240 2006 333 2006 190 290 . 333 2007 240 380 . 555 2000 40 10 . 555 2001 45 20 2002 555 2002 75 85 . 555 2003 130 195 . 555 2004 140 215 . end

For reference:
I basically want to replicate the same procedure found in the following tutorial:
What they did is they calculated 'd_earn' which is the difference between re78 (real earnings for 1978) and re75 (real earnings for 1975) for each observation.
Then they included d_earn in their matched psmatch2 DID model to calculate ATT:

I am not being able to replicate their procedure because they have a cross-sectional dataset consisting of 2 years (technically 3) where there is a clearly defined pre-treatment period and a post-treatment period.
However in my panel dataset because the treatment occurs in multiple periods over time, I cannot clearly define a pre and post treatment period the way they have managed to.
Here is the link to the psmatch2 DID reference file I attached here if anyone wanted to take a look at it. It's a really nice step-by-step tutorial:
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