
I have noticed that I have some likert-scale variables where some of the values have trailing spaces. I want to use "strtrim" to remedy this, but I don't know how. Could someone please help? I have used dataex below with a couple of my problem variables.

Many thanks,

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str21(how_important_grp_seeds_plants how_important_grp_ar)
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
""                      ""                    
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important"  
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   ""                    
"Extremely important"   "Not at all important   "
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important"  
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Not at all important   "
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important"  
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Not at all important   "
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Somewhat important     " 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   ""                    
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Extremely important"   "Very important"      
"Extremely important"   "Extremely important" 
"Not at all important"  "Extremely important" 
"Not at all important   " "Not at all important "
"Not at all important   " "Not at all important "
"Not at all important   " "Not at all important "
"Somewhat important     "   "Somewhat important " 
"Somewhat important     "   "Very important"      
"Somewhat important     "   "Somewhat important " 
"Somewhat important     "   "Not at all important       "
"Somewhat important     "   "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Somewhat important     " 
"Very important"        "Extremely important" 
"Very important"        "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Somewhat important     " 
"Very important"        "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Somewhat important     " 
"Very important"        "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Somewhat important     " 
"Very important"        "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Very important"      
"Very important"        "Not at all important   "
"Very important"        "Not at all important   "
"Very important"        "Extremely important" 