I am working on the following data set and in order to determine my model, I have TOTALINVESTMENTas dependent variable. However, for independent variable I have CSR scores. For companies with standalone reports, these scores have been calculated as CSR category and for others (with no standlaone reports), these are taken from annual reports. I have to take both these scores (otherwise data will be missing for some companies). But i dont understand how do I incorporate both these at the same time in the model as independent variable?
. dataex Country company Years codes TOTALINVESTMENT CSR annualreports in 1/10
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str11 Country str32 company int Years str4 codes double TOTALINVESTMENT byte(CSR annualreports) "China" "BANK OF NINGBO " 2015 "6021" .010933639572114294 . 13 "China" "BANK OF NINGBO " 2016 "6021" .009347256772364393 . 11 "China" "BANK OF NINGBO " 2017 "6021" .00385117213766614 . 12 "China" "BAOSHAN IRON & STE " 2015 "3312" .0031958269707133805 27 . "China" "BAOSHAN IRON & STE " 2016 "3312" -.007174386418397924 23 . "China" "BAOSHAN IRON & STE " 2017 "3312" -.010593375958482509 23 . "China" "BEIJING TONGRENTANG " 2015 "2833" .11930943954195489 . 19 "China" "BEIJING TONGRENTANG " 2016 "2833" .04654752071069721 18 . "China" "BEIJING TONGRENTANG " 2017 "2833" .03692235818603396 . 30 "China" "BOE TECHNOLOGY " 2015 "3679" .005138664742455748 . 10 end
0 Response to Dichotomous Independent variable
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