hello everyone i have a small dataset with diseases A, B and C which can have different severity scores ranking from 1 to 4. according to disease and sevirty score there is a theoretical length of stay. in addition there is a social precariousness score coded 0 or 1.
i would like to generate a new length of stay that would actually correspond to the length of stay in the next severity category when the social precariousness score is 1. i have been struggling with explicit subscripting, replace, using st or ts commands...
does anyone have a clean way of doing this
here is an example data set (the real one is much much larger...)
Disease severityscore length of stay social score new length of stay
A 1 3 1
A 2 4 0
A 2 4 1
A 3 5 0
A 3 5 1
A 3 5 1
A 4 7 1
B 1 2 1
B 2 4 0
B 2 4 1
B 2 4 1
B 3 5 1
C 1 2 0
C 2 4 0
C 3 5 1
C 4 6 1