I have a panel data (repeated visits of patients during 2016-2017). I have unique patient IDs, visit IDs, time variable as MDYhms for admission and discharge dates. I need two new variables to show me how long (in hours and in days, separately) it took for a person to be readmitted (time difference between a current admission date - color red in the data and a previous discharge date - green). I am aware that most of the patients had only one visits, I am interested in the readmitted patients. For instance, patient ID 404 had two readmissions while patient ID 418 had 4.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long(person_id visit_id) str19(admit_date discharge_date) 401 1 "01/12/2017 07:25:00" "01/12/2017 12:05:00" 402 2 "05/31/2016 15:14:00" "06/01/2016 16:44:00" 403 3 "04/09/2016 12:11:00" "04/09/2016 13:45:00" 404 4 "07/06/2016 12:33:00" "07/06/2016 14:01:00" 404 5 "07/06/2016 18:50:00" "07/07/2016 00:10:00" 404 6 "08/19/2017 13:42:00" "08/21/2017 16:27:00" 405 7 "02/25/2016 20:45:00" "02/26/2016 03:35:00" 405 8 "08/02/2017 16:13:00" "08/03/2017 05:10:00" 405 9 "10/23/2017 15:29:00" "10/24/2017 07:55:00" 406 10 "06/21/2016 18:05:00" "06/22/2016 17:34:00" 407 11 "02/16/2016 11:00:00" "02/16/2016 12:06:00" 407 12 "06/09/2016 11:29:00" "06/09/2016 13:55:00" 407 13 "06/20/2016 07:54:00" "06/20/2016 08:30:00" 408 14 "01/10/2017 12:43:00" "01/12/2017 14:23:00" 409 15 "02/22/2017 21:22:00" "02/24/2017 19:45:00" 410 16 "02/22/2016 06:36:00" "02/25/2016 13:10:00" 411 17 "03/13/2016 12:43:00" "03/13/2016 15:56:00" 411 18 "08/11/2016 05:50:00" "08/12/2016 12:11:00" 411 19 "10/03/2016 08:09:00" "10/03/2016 11:24:00" 412 20 "08/11/2016 18:49:00" "08/11/2016 19:16:00" 412 21 "11/14/2016 10:08:00" "11/14/2016 11:57:00" 413 22 "08/19/2016 05:48:00" "09/15/2016 18:15:00" 413 23 "09/15/2016 18:25:00" "10/07/2016 08:00:00" 413 24 "11/02/2016 17:05:00" "11/03/2016 01:21:00" 413 25 "11/28/2016 05:00:00" "12/09/2016 18:40:00" 413 26 "09/13/2017 09:16:00" "09/19/2017 09:25:00" 414 27 "02/12/2016 05:19:00" "02/12/2016 13:52:00" 415 28 "05/19/2016 03:30:00" "05/21/2016 12:05:00" 416 29 "06/16/2017 01:14:00" "06/16/2017 05:21:00" 417 30 "12/08/2016 16:08:00" "12/08/2016 19:33:00" 418 31 "06/14/2016 22:24:00" "06/15/2016 02:49:00" 418 32 "06/18/2017 11:18:00" "06/20/2017 16:00:00" 418 33 "06/23/2017 20:42:00" "06/23/2017 23:16:00" 418 34 "08/03/2017 06:11:00" "08/03/2017 15:00:00" 418 35 "08/04/2017 09:29:00" "08/04/2017 12:35:00" end
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long(person_id visit_id) str19(admit_date discharge_date) float(readmission_hour readmission_day) 404 4 "07/06/2016 12:33:00" "07/06/2016 14:01:00" 4 0 404 5 "07/06/2016 18:50:00" "07/07/2016 00:10:00" 9800 409 404 6 "08/19/2017 13:42:00" "08/21/2017 16:27:00" . . 405 7 "02/25/2016 20:45:00" "02/26/2016 03:35:00" 12570 524 405 8 "08/02/2017 16:13:00" "08/03/2017 05:10:00" 1968 82 405 9 "10/23/2017 15:29:00" "10/24/2017 07:55:00" . . 407 11 "02/16/2016 11:00:00" "02/16/2016 12:06:00" 2760 115 407 12 "06/09/2016 11:29:00" "06/09/2016 13:55:00" . . 407 13 "06/20/2016 07:54:00" "06/20/2016 08:30:00" . . 411 17 "03/13/2016 12:43:00" "03/13/2016 15:56:00" . . 411 18 "08/11/2016 05:50:00" "08/12/2016 12:11:00" . . 411 19 "10/03/2016 08:09:00" "10/03/2016 11:24:00" . . 412 20 "08/11/2016 18:49:00" "08/11/2016 19:16:00" . . 412 21 "11/14/2016 10:08:00" "11/14/2016 11:57:00" . . 413 22 "08/19/2016 05:48:00" "09/15/2016 18:15:00" . . 413 23 "09/15/2016 18:25:00" "10/07/2016 08:00:00" . . 413 24 "11/02/2016 17:05:00" "11/03/2016 01:21:00" . . 413 25 "11/28/2016 05:00:00" "12/09/2016 18:40:00" . . 413 26 "09/13/2017 09:16:00" "09/19/2017 09:25:00" . . 418 31 "06/14/2016 22:24:00" "06/15/2016 02:49:00" . . 418 32 "06/18/2017 11:18:00" "06/20/2017 16:00:00" . . 418 33 "06/23/2017 20:42:00" "06/23/2017 23:16:00" . . 418 34 "08/03/2017 06:11:00" "08/03/2017 15:00:00" . . 418 35 "08/04/2017 09:29:00" "08/04/2017 12:35:00" . . end
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you
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