Dear Statalist,

I am conducting a meta-analysis using admetan. I am comparing odds ratios for several studies. For some articles I have prevalences, for some they have given the OR's.

I have made the following:
*OR by prevalence
admetan aaa_dm naaa_dm aaa_nodm naaa_nodm, or ///
    forestplot(nobox lcols(study year) favours(Reduced risk of AAA # Increased risk of AAA)) ///
    nowt nooverall

*Given OR
foreach var of varlist or_cr-uci_ad {
    gen l`var'=ln(`var')

*Crude OR
admetan lor_cr llci_cr luci_cr, or ///
    forestplot(nobox lcols(study year) favours(Reduced risk of AAA # Increased risk of AAA)) ///
    nowt nooverall

*Adjusted OR
admetan lor_ad llci_ad luci_ad, or ///
    forestplot(nobox lcols(study year) favours(Reduced risk of AAA # Increased risk of AAA)) ///
    nowt nooverall
Can you combine the forest plots? I would like to combine "OR by prevalence" and "Crude OR".

Best regards,