I am trying to get some data from the API of American Community Survey by using insheetjson. But when I run the following codes, I got the error message "Invalid column name/selector 'CBSA'. (Possible name candidates are: )"

gen str10 CBSA_temp = ""
gen str200 Area = ""
gen str10 temp = ""

insheetjson CBSA_temp Area temp using "https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs1/profile?get=CBSA,NAME&for=metropolitan%20statistical%20area/micropolitan%20statistical%20area:*", aoa(1) columns("CBSA" "NAME" "metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area")
I thought it might be that the column names of the first row from the web server were not "CBSA", "NAME", and "metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area". Thus, I used the following command to check the data

insheetjson CBSA_temp Area temp using "https://api.census.gov/data/2017/acs/acs1/profile?get=CBSA,NAME&for=metropolitan%20statistical%20area/micropolitan%20statistical%20area:*", showresponse
But it show that the column names were correct, please see below

Response from server:
  "metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area"
  "Aberdeen, WA Micro Area",
  "Abilene, TX Metro Area",
Does anyone know why this happened?