I am new to stata and need help with the above complaints.

I have data that has a variable for Race_1 categorized into "1 = American Indian or Alaskan Native (AI), 2 =Asian, 3=Black or African American, 4=Multi, 5=Others (O) and 6=White. I have another variable, Ethnicity_1, categorized into 0=Not Hispanic (NH) and 1= Hispanic or Latino.

I want to create a variable race_ethnicity into the following categories 1=NHAI, 2=NHAsian, 3=NHblack, 4=NHmulti, 5=NHOthers, 6=NHwhite and 7=Hispanic or Latino.

I used egen race_ethnicity =group (Race_1 Ethnicity_1), label
tab race_ethnicity

I don't know how to proceed and am unsure if it's the correct code.

Please help out!