Dear statalist community,
I am conducting an analysis on green tariffs and renewable rebounds. Precisely, I want to understand whether households that switched to a green tariff tend to consume more electricity than people who use grey energy.
The dataset that I am using is the German Socio-Economic Panel.
What I want to do is to set the year of the switch as the reference year for each household. So, for example, household 1 switched to a green tariff in 2012. Therefore, 2012 = 0, 2013 = 1, 2014 = 2 and 2011 = -1, 2020 = -2. On the other hand, household 2 switched to a green tariff in 2013. So, 2013 = 0, 2014 = 1, 2015 = 2, and 2012 = -1.
How can I do this on Stata?
There is anyone who is able to help me?
Thank you very much!
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