I am attempting to determine whether hours worked and wages have changed overtime differently for different generations. So I am running the following regression:

foreach var of varlist m_hrsov_a m_paygro_cpi_c {

eststo: areg `var' m_age2 m_sex_bi m_child_c m_mar_c m_employed_bi m_cued_bi m_ethnic_bi m_occ_c m_region_c if m_age_c == 1, absorb(m_qtr) cluster(m_yr)

esttab using output_age.rtf, replace nogap b(%9.3f) se(%9.3f) parentheses star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) drop(*cons*)


esttab est1 est2 using output_age.rtf, replace nogap b(%9.3f) se(%9.3f) parentheses star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) drop(*cons*)

eststo clear
Notes: (m_hrsov_a = actual hours worked including overtime; m_paygro_cpi_c = gross pay adjusted by cpi and categorised).

I need to graph the regression output (output_age.rtf) overtime, but I am not clear how. Any ideas?

Here is an example of the data:

         Age |
(Generations |
         ) - |
 Categorical |
         (4) |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      Gen. Z |    696,858       12.29       12.29
 Millennials |  1,740,155       30.70       42.99
      Gen. X |  1,879,408       33.15       76.14
Baby Boomers |  1,352,639       23.86      100.00
       Total |  5,669,060      100.00
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input float(m_yr m_qtr) byte m_age double m_hrsov_a float m_paygro_cpi
2002 1 31    .     .
2002 1 69    .     .
2002 1 26    .   730
2002 1 59    .     .
2002 1 21    .     .
2002 1 39    .     .
2002 1 25    .     .
2002 1 46   61     .
2002 1 52    .     .
2002 1 26   30  1900
2002 1 38   20 25000
Thanks in advance!