I am working on a project where I need to runby the corr program and return the correlation in the generated variables.
program my_corr pwcorr resid_rm resid_x resid_r mat c = r(C) gen rm_x_corr = c[2,1] gen rm_r_corr = c[3,1] gen x_r_corr = c[3,2] gen rm_x_t = rm_x_corr*(count_permno-2)^0.5/ (1-rm_r_corr^2)^0.5 gen rm_r_t = rm_r_corr*(count_permno-2)^0.5/ (1-rm_r_corr^2)^0.5 gen x_r_t = x_r_corr*(count_permno-2)^0.5/ (1-x_r_corr^2)^0.5 end runby my_corr, by(id) verbose
store_data(): 3900 unable to allocate real <tmp>[2893885,1] runby_main(): - function returned error <istmt>: - function returned error
How can I solve this problem? Is it possible that I return the values in the big matrix and then clear the results in the big matrix for each by(id)?
The complete data range for 55 years, and -runby- bumps into the error when I try to apply it in a 2-year data. Therefore, I would love not split the data for each year and run 55 times.
Any comment and advice is welcome

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