Hi Statalist,

I was running regressions in loop and trying to store coefficients. I used post for the purpose but kept getting an error message of "( invalid name". I saw similar posts online and tried debugging but the error persists.

I tried two different sets of codes and got the same errors from both of them.
tempname myfile
postfile `myfile' double ID double intercept double gradient double se using myfile.dta
quietly reg income age education ethniciy i.year i.county, robust
post `myfile' (`id') (_b[_cons]) (_b[education]) (_se[education])
tempname myfile
postfile `myfile' double ID double intercept double gradient double se using myfile.dta
quietly reg income age education ethniciy i.year i.county, robust
post `myfile' (`id') (`=_b[_cons]') (`=_b[education]') (`=_se[education]')
Thanks for your helps in advance.