I'm currently working on a project to determine vaccine timeliness in Fiji by wealth index using Kaplan-Meier curves. Unfortunately, the graphs look very cluttered as the plots are packed closely together. Is it possible to blow up a secton of the graph, particularly a section where the plots diverge, in order to obtain a better visual context of how wealth index affects vaccine timeliness in Fiji?
These are the commands I am using in order to obtain the graph I currently have:
stset wmmr2, failure(mmr2)
sts graph, failure by(windex5) legend(position(6) rows(1) order(1 "Poorest" 2 "Poor" 3 "Middle" 4 "Rich" 5 "Richest")) ///
xlabel(0(25)150) ///
xline(72, lcol(navy) lpattern(dash)) ///
xline(74, lcol(navy) lpattern(dash)) ///
title(Coverage of MMR2 by wealth index) ytitle(Vaccination coverage (%)) xtitle(Age (weeks))
wmmr2 is the time to event while mmr2 is the event of interest. windex5 represents wealth index. The vertical dotted lines created by the xline command is only there to mark the "window" of my defined parameters for vaccine timeliness. Attached you will find the graph I can currently create using the commands above. As stated, I would like to improve the resolution of the graph or blow up the section where the plots diverge, sort of like a magnifying glass on that particular section; blowing up the section, of course, means that the other points may be omitted from the graph, which is fine as I will use the original beside it.
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