I am using the balance table command to create a balance table.

I would like to report p values associated with differences in means across different subsamples but I do not know how to do it.

sysuse auto,clear
codebook  foreign
generate u1 = runiform()
gen sampled=1
replace sampled=0 if u1<0.5

balancetable (mean) (mean if sampled==1) (mean if foreign==1) (mean if foreign==0) (diff foreign if sampled==1) price mpg rep78 using tst1.tex, ///
pval replace varlabel nostars  wide(mean pval)
the following table reports the mean value of price mpg rep78 for the full sample (mean), for the sample that was sampled (mean if sampled==1) for foreign cars (mean if foreign==1) and domestic ones (mean if foreign==0), it also reports the difference in means between foreign and domestic cars among the sampled group. My aim would be to add an additional column, that also looks at the difference in means between the sample group and the whole dataset. Is there a convenient way of doing this?

thanks a lot in advance for your help