How can I export a nbreg regression to include the alpha value and show its significance using the star signs?. I have showed the regression as below. I use stata 14


I tried using the asdoc command but its giving me something only the constant of the lnalpha. How do i get the alpha also exported in a publication form?
This is how I got it using the asdoc command.

asdoc nbreg PPE_tot Sex Age Educ_2 Educ_3 Educ_4 certification Off_farm_income live_in_farm Exp_AGRIC total REGION2 REGION3 HHsz Cooperative Mines Cred_req Landsize_ha size_type, vce(robust) title(Negative binomial_total table)

Negative binomial_total table
PPE_tot Coef. St.Err. t-value p-value [95% Conf Interval] Sig
Sex .035 .019 1.79 .074 -.003 .073 *
Age .004 .001 4.62 0 .002 .006 ***
Educ_2 .235 .038 6.17 0 .16 .309 ***
Educ_3 .437 .04 10.81 0 .358 .516 ***
Educ_4 .62 .044 14.15 0 .534 .706 ***
certification .17 .093 1.83 .067 -.012 .352 *
Off_farm_income -.027 .018 -1.51 .131 -.061 .008
live_in_farm -.002 .017 -0.09 .927 -.035 .032
Exp_AGRIC -.002 .001 -2.54 .011 -.004 0 **
total 0 0 4.64 0 0 0 ***
REGION2 .028 .02 1.40 .16 -.011 .068
REGION3 .202 .026 7.68 0 .15 .253 ***
HHsz .002 .005 0.46 .645 -.007 .011
Cooperative .16 .03 5.36 0 .101 .218 ***
Mines .237 .027 8.84 0 .184 .289 ***
Cred_req .105 .022 4.76 0 .062 .149 ***
Landsize_ha .001 .001 1.16 .246 0 .002
size_type .038 .115 0.33 .739 -.188 .264
Constant -.409 .131 -3.11 .002 -.667 -.151 ***
Constant -4.507 .885 .b .b -6.24 -2.773
Mean dependent var 1.281 SD dependent var 1.173
Pseudo r-squared 0.020 Number of obs 12626
Chi-square 820.428 Prob > chi2 0.000
Akaike crit. (AIC) 36541.926 Bayesian crit. (BIC) 36690.796
*** p<.01, ** p<.05, * p<.1