
gen gift_group_test = 0 if gift_total < . & gift_received == 1
replace gift_group_test = 1 if gift_total > 0 & gift_total < 10000
replace gift_group_test = 2 if gift_total >= 10000 & gift_total <= 100000
replace gift_group_test = 3 if gift_total > 100000
label define gift_group_test  0 "<10K" 1 "10K-100K" 2 "100K+" 
label val gift_group_test gift_group_test
I am trying to group observations given the amount of gifts they have received. Yet for some reason in the category 1 ("<10K") I have 2 observations who have not received any gifts, their gift_total = 0.

No matter what I do I cannot solve the issue, so I was wondering, can I suppress these two observations in a way that I keep them within my data set, but just throw them out of the variable gift_group_test? Is that possible?