Hi all,

I want to add red lines at the 95% confidence interval (one on each side) in this kdensity plot. My code is below. Could you help with this?

set seed 692525
tempfile temp3  // to hold the results from each repetition
permute beta1 b3 = _b[beta1], saving(`temp3') reps(1000):reghdfe inad_hous beta1 gender2 race2 age_at_refer if ym>=`=tm(2018m12)', absorb(i.hh_zip2 i.yearmonth)
use `temp3', clear
kdensity b3, lwidth(0.3) lcolor(cranberry) xline(-0.005, lwidth(0.3) lcolor(ebblue) lpattern(longdash)) xtitle(Estimated Placebo Betas) ytitle(Density) title(Inadequate Housing Allegations) graphregion(color(white)) bgcolor(white) text(100 0.007 "Actual Beta = -0.005", size(small))
graph export "placebo3.png", as (png) replace