
I'm working in Stata 17 with the following meta set, declared as follows:

meta set logrr logrrl logrru, civarlevel(95) civartolerance(0.008) studylabel(study) eslabel(logRR) studysize(participants)

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str12 study float year str20 country float(cohorts participants cases rr rrlow rrup logrr logrrl logrru) byte _meta_id str12 _meta_studylabel float _meta_es double(_meta_se _meta_cil _meta_ciu _meta_weight)
"Ericson"      2015 "Sweden"               1  26930  2860  .93 .89  .98  -.07257068 -.11653383 -.020202687 1 "Ericson"       -.07257068 .024574722931540643  -.12073625344783068  -.02440510969609022  894.3519672236014
"Buijsse"      2015 "Multi-country (EPIC)" 8  25307 11059  .94  .9  .98  -.06187541 -.10536055 -.020202687 2 "Buijsse"       -.06187541 .021724342610256155   -.1044543357565999 -.019296477548778057 1014.0362069741808
"Guasch-Ferre" 2015 "USA"                  1 145087  9652  .98 .94 1.02 -.020202687 -.06187541   .01980261 3 "Guasch-Ferre" -.020202687 .020836611477435422 -.061041695065796375  .020636321045458317 1054.4347766510025
"Monbonen"     2005 "Finland"              1   4304   383 1.04 .94 1.15   .03922068 -.06187541   .13976192 4 "Monbonen"       .03922068 .051439039948394695  -.06159798987209798   .14003934152424335  316.4370854931246

The type of forest plot I need is:

meta forestplot, eform(risk ratios) random(dlaird)

I would also like to see each study size (given by the variable "participants").

The problem is that in specifying this, the "Overall" column title and the heterogeneity statistics are lost. Please compare:

meta forestplot study year participants _plot _esci _weight, eform(risk ratios) random(dlaird)

I would like help to specify that the "Overall" column title and heterogeneity statistics are displayed on the forest plot.
The manual apparently only instructs on how to suppress this information from the forest plot.

