I have responses of survey on students and the data needed to be weighted based on the faculty of the student, so it's weighted and the weights are stored in a variable called "facwt2"
Now I want to perform descriptive statistics and visualize different variables like gender, faculty and the rest of the variables using bar charts based on that "facwt2" column but I don't know how to code for the chart including the weight.

here is part of the data
faculty facwt2 age gender grade
economics 0.497423 20 Female Second
communication 4.009915 20 Female Second
dentistery 4.017167 20 Female Second
physical therapy 0.973485 19 Female First
engineering 0.744385 20 Male First
agriculture 2.106346 19 Female Second
economics 0.497423 20 Female Third
economics 0.497423 21 Female Third
economics 0.497423 21 Female Third
economics 0.497423 21 Female Third
economics 0.497423 19 Male Second
economics 0.497423 20 Female Third
economics 0.497423 19 Female First
economics 0.497423 20 Female Second
economics 0.497423 20 Female Second
economics 0.497423 20 Female Second
economics 0.497423 20 Male Second
economics 0.497423 18 Female Second
economics 0.497423 18 Female First
economics 0.497423 19 Female First
economics 0.497423 22 Female Fourth
economics 0.497423 20 Female Second