I developed a transport choice model (car, AV, and SAV). The software produces model generic not alternative specific, I have the following questions based on the reviewers comments (they suggest to use another software!)
1: they ask about alternative specific estimates for time, cost and multitasking (type1, ...,type6). How can I have them for each alternative? Can I have alternative specific estimates for time, cost and multitasking in panel data mixed model in Stata?
The purpose is to calculate the value of travel time for each alternative (estimate of time/estimate of cost for each alternative).
2- they asked about SDs of the Alternative specific constants capturing the panel effects! What exactly do they mean? How can I have them from Stata 16?
As I said I have three modes of transport, three attributes (time and cost are scales, and multitasking are categorical and not fixed (i.e., respondents can choose type 1in the first choice set, type 1-6 in the next choice set, etc.). Each respondents answered 6 choice sets (1 block).
Please any suggestions are highly recommended.
Thanks in advance
0 Response to Panel data Mixed Logit model
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