I am trying to fit a mediated gsem multilevel model, in 2 levels. I would like to obtain the icc as a postestimation test. I am aware that the 'estat icc' function does not work following gsem. Therefore, how can I get the icc?

Here is my code:
. gsem (M1[Retailer2] -> USJGr, family(ordinal) link(probit)) (M1[Retailer2] -> VHGroup, family(ordinal) link(probit)) (M1[Retai
> ler2] -> BasktSR, family(gaussian) link(identity)) (ss -> USJGr, family(ordinal) link(probit)) (ss -> VHGroup, family(ordinal)
> link(probit)) (ss -> BasktSR, family(gaussian) link(identity)), covstruct(_lexogenous, diagonal) group(Retailer2) iterate(40)
> latent(M1 ss ) nocapslatent
