Dear all

I want to make a moderating variable called M&A active and give firms (identified by variable gvkey) a 0 in fyears (variable of fiscal year ) before acquisition or in every year between 1997-2015 if they never had an M&A. And a 1 in year from M&A and years AFTER FIRST M&A. Now, firms that never had an M&A already have a 0 in variable maactive but the firms that had an m&a only got a 1 in the years of the ma and not in the years after or in-between them. In the screenshot below you can see an example of ABBOT LABORATORIES.

I tried the following code: by gvkey (fyear), sort: replace maactive = maactive [_n-1] if maactive = 1

because I thought that it would give firms based on gvkey a 1 in the variable maactive if the previous observation of their gvkey is a 1. But I did not work out. I received error code r(101) weights not allowed. Could someone help me with this?
