I have an independent variable "tob_smk", dependent variable "multimbd_cat" and "phy_activity" is one of the co-variates.
PHP Code:
*tab tob_smk
Ever smoked |
tobacco on |
regular |
basis, || Freq. Percent Cum.
Never | 3,282 84.24 84.24
Current | 27 0.69 84.93
Former | 587 15.07 100.00
Total | 3,896 100.00
*tab multimbd_cat
Categories |
of |
multimorbidi |
ty | Freq. Percent Cum.
No | 2,342 60.11 60.11
One | 1,160 29.77 89.89
Two and more | 394 10.11 100.00
Total | 3,896 100.00
*tab phy_activity
Physical activity |
level category | Freq. Percent Cum.
Extremely Inactive | 532 13.66 13.66
Sedentary | 2,125 54.54 68.20
Moderately Active | 1,029 26.41 94.61
Vigorously Active | 210 5.39 100.00
Total | 3,896 100.00
0 Response to Mediation analysis and dealing with categorical variables
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