Good day! In this dataset I have, I have different indicators of innovation: (innov1, innov2, innov3, innov4). These indicators are all in dummy format of 0 or 1. I want to generate a new variable that consolidates all those 4 indicators.

The outcome I want: have a variable innovation_all where it's 1 in the case any of the four indicators are 1.

innov1 is 0,
innov2 is 0,
innov3 is 1,
innov4 is 1; therefore my innovation_all should generate a 1 for that N.

And if all innov are 0, then the outcome should be a 0 for my innovation_all.

I need help looking for the right codes as the ones I've encountered does the opposite (creating new multiple variables based on 1 variable)