Dear STATAlists,

I am trying to add on x-axes ticks and labels in order to have for each line one tick and a label (i.e. "model 0", "model 1") and I would like to remove the "RD_Estimate" label. I tried to show the values on x-axes and they range from .5 to 1.5 but I am not sure where it comes from. In addition, I would like to change the markers when p-values is >0.05. The code is under the graph. Thanks for any suggestion


qui rdrobust Y X p(1) kernel(triangular) 
local h=e(h_l)
local vero= e(tau_cl)

forvalues i=0(1)10 {
local hrobust=`h' + `i'
qui rdrobust Y X, p(1) kernel(triangular)  h(`hrobust')
est store hrob`i'
local vlist "hrob0 hrob1 hrob2 hrob3 hrob4 hrob5 hrob6 hrob7 hrob8 hrob9 hrob10"
coefplot `vlist', yline(0, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)) drop(_cons) vertical ytitle("RD Treatment Effect")  legend(off) ciopts(recast(rcap))