Dear Stata Users community,

I am trying to compare the posterior probabilities of a series of ologit models using the command bayestest model.

When I run bayestest model for each of the models, the posterior probability value does show up --not surprisingly, the value is 1 in these cases). But when I run bayestest model for both of them the column P(M|y) shows a dot instead of a number.

I am attaching a screenshot of the input I received from stata. The code I used is the following:

bayes: ologit poldiscb sex educc1
bayes, saving(baba)
estimates store baba
bayes: ologit poldiscb sex
bayes, saving(bebe)
estimates store bebe
bayestest model baba
bayestest model bebe
bayestest model baba bebe

I am fairly new in using bayesian analysis methods in Stata and I wanted to get your input what might be going on.

Thank you and I apologize in advance if my message does not comply with the standard contents of a post--this is actually my first one. I will gladly subtract/add more information to my post in case it is needed.

