Hi everyone,

I have a dataset with dimension of individuals, observations (e.g income, total broadcast time, followers), and repeated observations for individual (e.g. self_esteem, temperament)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double Income int Broadcast double(Followers CharFC_Rigidity CharFC_AchievementStriving CharC_Conscientiousness PVFC_Hedonism PVFC_UniversalismTolerance Temperament_Choleric Temperament_Sanguine)
  .0028553554914867 174  4781  .54325507 .427887462999999       .348512656 .430609111       .610872118   0  .5
 .00115118237973419  96  3477 .627130717       .698507334 .518466778999999 .409712756 .416587722999999 .25 .75
.000391013993439837  92  3148 .699676972       .623049055       .404087265 .465123295       .697236474 .25  .5
 .00231989968001383 144 44641 .652179976       .520213066       .584670489 .591168039       .490490652  .5  .5
  .0259434674722192 113  8366 .498777402       .497833064        .38133484 .238997354        .53748539   0 .25

Since the dataset in wide format with repeated observations for individuals, I want to reshape it into long format so it can be easier to control and regress later on, but after I wrote this:.
 reshape long CharFC_ CharC_ PVFC_ PVC_ SE_ Role_ Temperament, i(StreamerID) j(Types) string
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float id double Income int Broadcast double(Followers Temperament CharFC_ CharC_)
1 .00411306166423727 104 96751 .                . .
1 .00411306166423727 104 96751 .       .718679414 .
1 .00411306166423727 104 96751 .                . .
1 .00411306166423727 104 96751 . .691145037999999 .
1 .00411306166423727 104 96751 .                . .
a lots of values went missing, therefore went I try to regress it:
 reg Income Broadcast Followers Temperament CharFC_ CharC_ Role_
It show error message no observations r(2000)

but, if I try to regress by only put only one of variable from the repeated observations,
 reg Income Broadcast Followers Role_
it can shows the results.

Nearly the same if I'm using xtreg, fe/re. But this one, variables just went omitted automatically by stata.

Any insight/suggestions/advice for the situation that I have now?

Thank you statalist