Dear members,
I am struggling with a complicated coding.
I have female_friends and male_friends. Each of the variable has 0 friends (0), 1-2 friends (1) 3-4 or more (2)- 3 categories. Then I have a variable "gender" (males = 0, females=1)
For a new variable, I would like to create 1= no friends or same-sex friends and 2= mixed sex friends (a female having both female and male friends, a male having both male and female friends).
The new variable can be called "peers_sex_composition"
If a female (or male) does not have any friends (female_friends = 0 & male_friends = 0) then the new variable should be coded as 1.
If a female has only female_friends = 1/2 BUT male_friends =0, then this also should be coded as 1.
If a female has mixed sex friends (both female and male friends) in other words, female_friends= 1/2 & male_friends =1/2 then new variable will be 2.
For the male, it would be the same (3 options) but both female and male should be combined into one single new variable "peers_sex_composition."
Please, could you help me with syntax?
best, Rinko
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