Hello statalist I have a question regarding scatterplots:

I would like to have a scatterplot with country names indicated beside each dot and different color/shape based on whether the country is in OECD or not.

I used the following:
sepscatter inflation gdppc, ms(country) sep(oecd) xline(0,lp(dash)) yline(0, lp(dash) lcol(black)) xlabel(-50(10)100)
It produces the following results:

However, I would like each dot to have the country name besides it.

The following is my data.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str9 country float(gdppc inflation) str8 oecd
"CZE"  40.49 -16.51 "OECD"    
"EST"   20.1  17.25 "OECD"    
"HUN"  27.03 -17.18 "OECD"    
"SVN"   6.05 -47.42 "OECD"    
"CYP" -36.98 -43.49 "NON-OECD"
"HRV" -32.34 -33.62 "NON-OECD"
"BGR"  24.36 -18.73 "NON-OECD"
"ROU"  32.22 -52.23 "NON-OECD"
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.